In these pandemic times this might not be important to what to wear, rather it is, how to wear and how to prevent virus from penetration.
Adherence to these simple steps fulfill the purpose of preventing corona virus:
Keep separate wears for outdoor and indoor:
This is specially necessary for person who interact with outside world and bring necessities for home. Ideally, keep separate clothes for both. One for outdoor activities and other for indoor activities such as rest wears.
Wash outdoor clothes regularly
Wash your outdoor clothes thoroughly with warm water and keep in bright sunshine, as direct exposure to direct sunlight will kill the virus.
Store outdoor clothes separately
Try to hang and store outdoor clothes separately, as it may potentially carry corona virus (Lives on fabric for 9 hours; source Unicef)
Wear masks, gloves & wash hands regularly
Most important of all is to follow all given regulations and directives by authorities. Ideally wear disposable masks and gloves but if you don’t have those then find any fabric made masks. Make sure to regularly wash such masks.
Important thing is to wear any mask as virus is of 400-500 micro diameter, which will prevent its entry. Keep washing hands regularly and keep social distance. Stay safe!
This article donated by team Pocket & Plans
Finding helpful information, when no one is talking about such detailed and necessary precaution
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